Reclaiming Our Cycles (Full Course)
An Introduction to the History, Theory and Practice of Menstruation
This course will introduce participants to: 1) the traditional ways our Latinx ancestors understood menstruation, 2) to how colonization demonzied and sought to erase or co-opt these traditions having a lasting impact on our reproductive wellness, and 3) how we Latinx women and folx can reclaim these ancestral ways as a means of political resistance, as well as to connect to our own bodies. This course will also introduce participants to pratical body literacy, and in-depth menstrual cycle tracking.The material in this course will center the historical experience of Latinx people and other people of color who's ancestral histories are marked by colonization. We will discuss methods to reclaim our ancestral ways in regards to menstruation, our cycles and knowledge of our bodies. We will also explore our emotional literacy around our cycles and flow. Ultimately, we hope to celebrate, connect, and reclaim our bodies in a revolutionary way.
What you will get from this class?
- A historical timeline from pre-colonial to the present about the traditions of menstruation centered in the experience of Chicanx, Latinx and other peoples of color.
- A look at how colonization, racism, sexism and other forms of oppression impacted our ways of knowing our bodies, and how our bodies are treated.
- Insight into how we can begin to reclaim our cycles, and our bodies as a way to resist these oppressive powers, and better understand our own bodies.
- Practical tools to begin learning about the fertility awareness method, which helps us track our cycles either for pregnancy, preganancy prevention, or simply to understand how our menstrual cycles impact our health.
This Course will inlcude the following:
- 4 audio/video lessons, the historical portion broken up into 3 sections, while the 4th lesson will cover practical cycle tracking
- A comprehensive resource list of people, articles, books, websites, etc. where you can learn more about this topic.
- 2 guided audio meditations
- Writing prompts to journal your emotional insights
- A video demonstrating alternative menstrual products
Your Instructors
As Las Doctoras we created this platform to bring much of the information we teach in our university classes to a wider audience. When dicussing the material we cover in our classes with friends and other people who cross our path, the most common reaction we get is "I would love to sit in on your class." And so we thought why not bring our classes to you! We are both PhD's who worked for many years researching, learning, writing, and teaching about topics and issues ranging from race, gender, spriturality, social movements, literature, and much much more.We hope this platform can serve as an innovative way to share all that we have learned in our academic journeys with those who also want to learn about these topics.
We are also very much invested in using this platform to share our educational knowledge with others as a means to empower others to participate in creating the possibilites of change that is so neccesary in our world. As feminists, as women of color, as Latinas, our ultimate hope is that through this work we can contribute to the dismantaling of white supremacist, capitalist, cisheteropatriarchy. In other words, our intention is to empower ourselves and others to work toward ending all forms of oppression.
To learn more about us as individuals, our bios are as follows.
Xicana-Feminista-Mama-Academic-Writer-Social Justice Advocate
I was born in L.A. and raised in Pico Rivera, Ca. I received my PhD from UC Riverside in 2017 in Ethnic Studies. I am a proud Xicana, daughter and granddaughter of Mexican immigrants with deep roots in my culture and love for my people. My work both inside and outside of academia is grounded in an intersectional feminist perspective centering the experience of women of color as well as sexual and gender minorities of color. I currently work as a professor in the field of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies at several universities and colleges in the L.A. area. I am passionate about living a holistic lifestyle including the way I parent my children, the way I interact with others, my relationship to the earth and the environment, my relationship to my health and my body, and my commitment to spiritual growth. I am not always great at this but I do my best. When I am not working or making plans to dismantle patriarchy, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children at home in Long Beach, Ca.
Dr. Cristina Rose
QWOC Feminista-Artivist-Pin@y-Latinx-Traveler-Farmer-Survivor.
Grand-daughter of Priscilla of New Mexico and Concepcion of Cebu, Dr. Cristina Rose was born in LA and has a PhD in Women’s Philosophy from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. She is a member of Voices of Our Nations Art Foundation (VONA) and her most recent publications include: her artwork “Sacred Heart of Mango” appears in Jota with Korima Press and her article “Stories of Multicultural Integrative Solidarity” appears in Vibrant Voices with Goddess Ink. As a mother, an artist, a writer, and a Gender and Ethnic Studies Professor at CSU, Dominguez Hills, she is engaged with muxer-affirming and indigenous-rooted communities based out of Long Beach. Follow her work on instagram @drcristinarose and @latinamotherscollaborative as well as on her website:
Course Curriculum
StartOpening Meditation
StartLesson 1- History & Theory of Menstruation: Matriarchal History (22:28)
StartLesson 2- History & Theory of Menstruation: Colonization (26:52)
StartLesson 3- History & Theory of Menstruation: Reclamation (31:00)
StartLesson 4- Body Literacy & Cycles (39:20)
StartVideo Tutorial- Alternative Menstrual Products (21:21)
StartList of Resources
StartWriting Prompt
StartClosing Meditation
StartThank You